Visit almost any high school or college campus in the late afternoon hours of the day and you’ll notice one thing for sure; fall sports are in full swing. And I, for one, absolutely LOVE this time of year. I love it because I’m a fan. I love it because of all the great things young people can gain from the hard work, dedication, and commitment that accompany these experiences. But most importantly, I love it because of the incredible opportunities I know coaches are being given each day to impact the lives of young people in very unique and lasting ways.
It’s with this in mind, I thought I’d share a letter from my good friend Joe I recently came across. I think it’s a great reminder of not only the opportunity many of us have to impact others, but of the responsibility that comes with that opportunity. I hope you’ll be encouraged by this note from a wise janitor!
It’s hard to believe a new season is already here. Time flies by so fast. Yep, the older I get the more I realize; no matter how fast we run the race of life, time always runs just a little faster.