The Blog

Monthly Archives:: April 2012

WHY Do I Do What I Do?


I firmly believe that this is the most important question a leader should ask before embarking upon any journey. So, in following my own advice, I asked myself, WHY write a LFGS newsletter? What are my true motives? Well, of course, one reason is to stay connected with LFGS fans in order to encourage them to encourage others to keep sharing the message of the book. However, for me there truly is another motive – a motive that I should add, aligns with the foundation of my purpose. That motive: To encourage you in your own journey toward LEADING…for God’s Sake!

In our culture almost everything we do we risk doing out of selfish ambition. When we take the time to really think about the deepest motives of our hearts - and ask God to help us see them accurately – it can be very revealing, and in some cases very ugly. That’s why it’s essential to not only ask the question why do I do what I do…but even more importantly, why am I here on this earth? When we come to an understanding of this second part of the why question (more on this in the next newsletter) and learn to align all of our motives with it, we can rest assured that “…all things truly will work together for the good of those who love God…”